la menò fuori e in presenza di tutta la sua compagnia e d'ogn'altra persona la fece spogliare ignuda: e fattisi quegli vestimenti che fatti aveva fare, prestamente la fece vestire e calzare
and before the eyes of all his company, and as many other folk as were there, caused her to strip naked, and let bring the garments that he had had fashioned for her, and had her forthwith arrayed therein,
Hinc ne quid reliquiarum fortune veteris novam inferret in domum, nudari eam iussit, et a calce ad verticem novis vestibus indui, quod a matronis circumstantibus ac certatim sinu illam gremioque foventibus verecunde ac celeriter adimpletum est.
Then, lest she carry into her new home any relic of her former fortune, he commanded her to be stripped, and clad from head to heel with new garments; and this was done, reverently and swiftly, by matrons who stood around her and who embraced her each in turn.
And for that nothyng of hir olde geere
She sholde brynge into his hous, he bad
That wommen sholde dispoillen hir right theere;-
Of which thise ladyes were nat right glad
To handle hir clothes, wherinne she was clad.
But nathelees, this mayde bright of hewe
Fro foot to heed they clothed han al newe.
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