Come che queste parole fossero tutte coltella al cuor di Griselda, come a colei che non aveva cosí potuto por giú l'amore che ella gli portava come fatto aveva la buona fortuna, rispose: "Signor mio, io son presta e apparecchiata".
Albeit each of these words pierced Griselda's heart like a knife, for that, in resigning her good fortune, she had not been able to renounce the love she bore Gualtieri, nevertheless: "My lord," she made answer, "I am ready and prompt to do your pleasure."
«Non libenter modo» inquit illa «sed cupide et hoc et quecunque tibi placita sensero faciam semper, neque in hoc unquam fatigabor aut lentescam dum spiritus huius reliquie ulle supererunt».
"I will do this," said she, "and whatever else I see will please you, not only willingly, but eagerly. Nor shall I grow weary or sluggish in this labor, so long as the least remnant of my spirit shall last."
"Nat oonly lord, that I am glad," quod she,
"To doon your lust, but I desire also
Yow for to serve and plese in my degree
Withouten feyntyng, and shal everemo.
Ne nevere, for no wele ne no wo,
Ne shal the goost withinne myn herte stente
To love yow best with al my trewe entente."
(close this window to return to the Clerk's Tale.)
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