Le donne lietissime, levate dalle tavole, con Griselda n'andarono in camera e con migliore agurio trattile i suoi pannicelli d'una nobile roba delle sue la rivestirono; e come donna, la quale ella eziandio negli stracci pareva, nella sala la rimenarono.
Whereat the ladies, transported with delight, rose from table and betook them with Griselda to a chamber, and, with better omen, divested her of her sorry garb, and arrayed her in one of her own robes of state; and so, in guise of a lady (howbeit in her rags she had shewed as no less) they led her back into the hall.
Raptimque matrone alacres ac faventes circumfuse, vilibus exutam suis, solitis vestibus induunt exornantque;
And straightway the ladies gathered about her with alacrity and affection; and when her vile apparel had been stripped off her, they clothed her in her accustomed garments and adorned her.
Thise ladyes, whan that they hir tyme say,
Han taken hir and into chambre gon,
And strepen hire out of hir rude array
And in a clooth of gold that brighte shoon,
With a coroune of many a riche stoon
Upon hir heed, they into halle hir broghte,
And ther she was honured as hire oghte.
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