Stanza 111


No Analogue


De hoc igitur tempore quo tecum multo cum honore longe supra omne meritum meum fui, Deo et tibi gratias ago; de reliquo, parata sum bono pacatoque animo paternam domum repetere, atque ubi pueritiam egi senectutem agere et mori,

For these years, therefore, that I have dwelt with you in honor far beyond my deserts, I give thanks to God and you. For the rest, I am ready, with good heart and peaceful mind, to return to my father's house, to pass my age and to die where I have passed my youth,


That ye so longe of youre benignitee
Han holden me in honour and nobleye,
Wher as I was noght worthy for to bee,
That thonke I God and yow, to whom I preye
Foryelde it yow; ther is namoore to seye.
Unto my fader gladly wol I wende,
And with hym dwelle unto my lyves ende.

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