Ma poco appresso, entratogli un nuovo pensier nell'animo, cioè di volere con lunga esperienzia e con cose intollerabili provare la pazienzia di lei,
But, soon after, a strange humour took possession of him, to wit, to put her patience to the proof by prolonged and intolerable hard usage;
Cepit, ut fit, interim Valterium, cum iam ablactata esset infantula, mirabilis quedam (quam laudabilis doctiores iudicent) cupiditas, sat expertam care fidem coniugis experiendi altius
In the meanwhile, it so happened, when this little daughter had been weaned, that Walter was seized with a desire more strange than laudable – so the more experienced may decide – to try more deeply the fidelity of his dear wife,
Ther fil, as it bifalleth tymes mo,
Whan that this child had souked but a throwe,
This markys in his herte longeth so
To tempte his wyf, hir sadnesse for to knowe,
That he ne myghte out of his herte throwe
This merveillous desir his wyf t'assaye.
Nedelees, God woot, he thoghte hir for t'affraye.
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