Stanza 71


senza mutar viso in braccio la pose al famigliare e dissegli:

Whereupon she presently took the child from the cradle, and having kissed and blessed her, albeit she was very sore at heart, she changed not countenance, but placed it in the servant's arms,


Sed tranquilla fronte puellulam accipiens, aliquantulum respexit, et simul exosculans, benedixit ac signum sanete crucis impressit,

But taking up the little girl, with tranquil brow, she looked at her a little, and kissing her, blessed her and made the sign of the Holy Cross upon her.


But atte laste speken she bigan,
And mekely she to the sergeant preyde,
So as he was a worthy gentil man,
550 That she moste kisse hire child, er that it deyde,
And in hir barm this litel child she leyde,
With ful sad face, and gan the child to kisse,
And lulled it, and after gan it blisse.

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