maravigliandosi egli della sua constanzia, lui con essa ne mandò a Bologna
and Gualtieri, marvelling at her constancy, sent him with the child to Bologna,
iussitque satelliti obvolutam pannis, ciste iniectam, ac iumento impositam quieto, omni quanta posset diligentia
He ordered his slave to wrap the child in cloths, to place it in a wickerwork basket upon a beast of burden, and carry it, secretly and with all the diligence he could command,
And bad his sergeant, that he pryvely
Sholde this child ful softe wynde and wrappe,
With alle circumstances tendrely,
And carie it in a cofre or in a lappe,
But, upon peyne his heed of for to swappe
That no man sholde knowe of his entente,
Ne whenne he cam, ne whider that he wente.
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