Stanza 94


I subditi suoi, credendo che egli uccidere avesse fatti i figliuoli, il biasimavan forte e reputavanlo crudele uomo e alla donna avevan grandissima compassione. La quale con le donne, le quali con lei de' figliuoli cosí morti si condoleano, mai altro non disse se non che quello ne piaceva a lei che a colui che generati gli avea.

His vassals, who believed that he had put the children to death, held him mightily to blame for his cruelty, and felt the utmost compassion for the lady. She, however, said never aught to the ladies that condoled with her on the death of her children, but that the pleasure of him that had begotten them was her pleasure likewise.


Defixis ergo in uxorem oculis, an ulla eius mutatio erga se fieret contemplabatur assidue, nec ullam penitus invenire poterat, nisi quod fidelior illi in dies atque obsequentior fiebat,

Keeping his eyes upon his wife, therefore, Walter watched continually for any change in her behavior toward him, and he was not able to find any at all, save that she became each day more devoted and more obedient to his wishes;


He waiteth, if by word or contenance
That she to hym was changed of corage;
But nevere koude he fynde variance,
She was ay oon in herte and in visage.
And ay the forther that she was in age,
The moore trewe, if that it were possible-
She was to hym in love, and moore penyble.

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