Stanza 145


E però che io mai non mi sono accorto che in parola né in fatto dal mio piacere partita ti sii, parendo a me aver di te quella consolazione che io disiderava, intendo di rendere a te a un'ora ciò che io tra molte ti tolsi e con somma dolcezza le punture ristorare che io ti diedi. E per ciò con lieto animo prendi questa che tu mia sposa credi, e il suo fratello, per tuoi e miei figliuoli: essi sono quegli li quali e tu e molti altri lungamente stimato avete che io crudelmente uccider facessi; e io sono il tuo marito, il quale sopra ogni altra cosa t'amo, credendomi poter dar vanto che niuno altro sia che, sí com'io, si possa di sua moglier contentare.

And since I never knew thee either by deed or by word to deviate from my will, I now, deeming myself to have of thee that assurance of happiness which I desired, am minded to restore to thee at once all that, step by step, I took from thee, and by extremity of joy to compensate the tribulations that I inflicted on thee. Receive, then, this girl, whom thou supposest to be my bride, and her brother, with glad heart, as thy children and mine. These are they, whom by thee and many another it has long been supposed that I did ruthlessly to death, and I am thy husband, that loves thee more dearly than aught else, deeming that other there is none that has the like good cause to be well content with his wife."


Ista autem quam tu sponsam meam reris, filia tua est; hic qui cognatus meus credebatur, tuus est filius: que divisim perdita videbantur, simul omnia recepisti.

This maiden, whom you think to be my bride, is your daughter; and he, who is thought to be my kinsman, is your son. They whom you believed you had lost, each in turn, you get back both together.


This is thy doghter which thou hast supposed
To be my wyf; that oother feithfully
Shal be myn heir, as I have ay purposed;
Thou bare hym in thy body trewely.
At Boloigne have I kept hem prively.
Taak hem agayn, for now maystow nat seye
That thou hast lorn noon of thy children tweye.

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