e tu sai che io non ho in casa donne che mi sappiano acconciar le camere né fare molte cose che a cosí fatta festa si richeggiono: e per ciò tu, che meglio che altra persona queste cose di casa sai, metti in ordine quello che da far ci è, e quelle donne fa invitar che ti pare e ricevile come se donna di qui fossi: poi, fatte le nozze, te ne potrai a casa tua tornare".
and thou knowest that women I have none in the house that know how to set chambers in due order, or attend to the many other matters that so joyful an event requires; wherefore do thou, that understandest these things better than another, see to all that needs be done, and bid hither such ladies as thou mayst see fit, and receive them, as if thou wert the lady of the house, and then, when the nuptials are ended, thou mayst go back to thy cottage."
Domi tamen feminas ad hoc opus ydoneas non habeo; proinde tu, quamvis veste inopi, hanc tibi, que mores meos nosti optime, suscipiendorum locandorumque hospitum curam sumes».
But I have no women in the house who are suited to cope with this task; therefore, though your garments are but poor, you may best assume the duty of receiving and placing my guests, for you know my ways."
I have no wommen, suffisaunt, certayn,
The chambres for t'arraye in ordinaunce
After my lust, and therfore wolde I fayn
That thyn were al swich manere governaunce;
Thou knowest eek of olde al my plesaunce,
Thogh thyn array be badde and yvel biseye,
Do thou thy devoir at the leeste weye."
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