Il conte da Panago si tornò dopo alquanti dí a Bologna; e Gualtieri, tolto Giannucolo dal suo lavorio, come suocero il pose in istato, che egli onoratamente e con gran consolazione visse e finí la sua vecchiezza. E egli appresso, maritata altamente la sua figliuola, con Griselda, onorandola sempre quanto piú si potea, lungamente e consolato visse.
Some days after, the Count of Panago returned to Bologna, and Gualtieri took Giannucolo from his husbandry, and established him in honour as his father-in-law, wherein to his great solace he lived for the rest of his days. Gualtieri himself, having mated his daughter with a husband of high degree, lived long and happily thereafter with Griselda, to whom he ever paid all honour.
Multosque post per annos ingenti pace concordiaque vixere; et Valterius inopem socerum, quem hactenus neglexisse visus erat, nequando concepte animo obstaret experientie, suam in domum translatum in honore habuit, filiam suam magnificis atque honestis nuptiis collocavit, filiumque sui dominii successorem liquit, et coniugio letus et sobole.
Many years thereafter they lived in great peace and concord; and Walter, who had appeared to neglect his father-in-law, lest he should stand in the way of the experiment he had conceived, had the old man move into his palace and held him in honor. His own daughter he gave in noble and honorable marriage, and his son he left behind him as his heir, happy in his wife and in his offspring.
Ful many a yeer in heigh prosperitee
Lyven thise two in concord and in reste.
And richely his doghter maryed he
Unto a lord, oon of the worthieste
Of al Ytaille, and thanne in pees and reste
His wyves fader in his court he kepeth,
Til that the soule out of his body crepeth.
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