Stanza 74


"Te', fa compiutamente quello che il tuo e mio signore t'ha imposto, ma non la lasciar per modo che le bestie e gli uccelli la divorino, salvo se egli nol ti comandasse."

saying: "See that thou leave nought undone that my lord and thine has charged thee to do, but leave her not so that the beasts and the birds devour her, unless he have so bidden thee."


porrexitque satelliti et «Vade» ait «quodque tibi dominus noster iniunxit exequere. Unum queso: cura ne corpusculum hoc fere lacerent aut volucres, ita tamen nisi tibi contrarium sit preceptum».

Then she gave the child to the fellow, and said, "Go; and whatever our lord hath laid upon you, see that you perform it. One thing I beg of you: take care lest beasts or birds tear her little body; and this, only if no contrary orders have been laid upon you."


"Gooth now," quod she, "and dooth my lordes heeste;
But o thyng wol I prey yow of youre grace,
That, but my lord forbad yow atte leeste,
Burieth this litel body in son place
That beestes ne no briddes it torace."
But he no word wol to that purpos seye,
But took the child, and wente upon his weye.

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