Stanza 96


I subditi suoi, credendo che egli uccidere avesse fatti i figliuoli, il biasimavan forte e reputavanlo crudele uomo e alla donna avevan grandissima compassione.

His vassals, who believed that he had put the children to death, held him mightily to blame for his cruelty, and felt the utmost compassion for the lady.


Ceperat sensim de Valterio decolor fama crebrescere: quod videlicet effera et inhumana duritie, humilis penitentia ac pudore coniugii filios iussisset interfici, nam neque pueri comparebant, neque ubinam gentium essent ullus audierat;

Little by little, an ugly rumor about Walter had begun to spread abroad; namely, that with savage and inhuman cruelty, out of regret and shame for his humble marriage, he had ordered his children slain; for neither did his children appear, nor had anyone heard where in the world they were.


The sclaundre of Walter ofte and wyde spradde,
That of a crueel herte he wikkedly,
For he a povre womman wedded hadde,
Hath mordred bothe his children prively.
Swich murmur was among hem comunly;
No wonder is, for to the peples ere
Ther cam no word, but that they mordred were.

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