E cosí detto l'abbracciò e basciò: e con lei insieme, la qual d'allegrezza piagnea, levatosi n'andarono là dove la figliuola tutta stupefatta queste cose ascoltando sedea e, abbracciatala teneramente e il fratello altressí, lei e molti altri che quivi erano sgannarono. [
Which said, he embraced and kissed her; and then, while she wept for joy, they rose and hied them there where sate the daughter, all astonied to hear the news, whom, as also her brother, they tenderly embraced, and explained to them, and many others that stood by, the whole mystery.
Hec illa audiens, pene gaudio exanimis et pietate amens iocundissimisque cum lacrimis, suorum pignorum in amplexus ruit, fatigatque osculis, pioque gemitu madefacit.
Almost out of her wits for joy and beside herself with maternal love, on hearing these words, Griselda rushed into her children's arms, shedding the most joyous tears. She wearied them with kisses and bedewed them with her loving tears.
Whan she this herde, aswowne doun she falleth
For pitous joye, and after hir swownynge
She bothe hir yonge children unto hir calleth,
And in hir armes pitously wepynge
Embraceth hem, and tendrely kissynge
Ful lyk a mooder, with hir salte teeres
She bathed bothe hir visage and hir heeres.
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