Stanza 120


Gualtieri, che maggior voglia di piagnere avea che d'altro, stando pur col viso duro, disse: "E tu una camiscia ne porta". Quanti dintorno v'erano il pregavano che egli una roba le donasse, ché non fosse veduta colei che sua moglie tredici anni e piú era stata di casa sua cosí poveramente e cosí vituperosamente uscire, come era uscirne in camiscia; ma invano andarono i prieghi; di che la donna, in camiscia e scalza e senza alcuna cosa in capo, accomandatigli a Dio, gli uscí di casa

There was nought of which Gualtieri was so fain as to weep; but yet, setting his face as a flint, he made answer: "I allow thee a shift to thy back; so get thee hence." All that stood by besought him to give her a robe, that she, who had been his wife for thirteen years and more, might not be seen to quit his house in so sorry and shameful a plight, having nought on her but a shift. But their entreaties went for nothing: the lady in her shift, and barefoot and bareheaded, having bade them adieu, departed the house,


Abundabant viro lacrime, ut contineri amplius iam non possent, itaque faciem avertens, «Et camisiam tibi unicam habeto», verbis trementibus vix expressit, et sic abiit illacrimans. Illa, coram cuntis sese exuens, solam sibi retinuit camisiam, qua contecta, nudo capite pedibusque nudis, egreditur;

The tears welled into her husband's eyes, so that they could no longer be restrained; and so, turning his face aside, "Take your one shift," he said, and his voice trembled so that he could scarcely say it. So, weeping, he took his departure. Before them all, she stripped off her clothes, keeping upon her only her shift; and covered with that alone, she went forth before them with feet and head quite bare.


"The smok," quod he, "that thou hast on thy bak,
Lat it be stille, and bere it forth with thee."
But wel unnethes thilke word he spak,
But wente his wey for routhe and for pitee.
Biforn the folk hirselven strepeth she,
And in hir smok, with heed and foot al bare,
Toward hir fader hous forth is she fare.

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