Come Gualtieri questo ebbe fatto, cosí fece veduto a' suoi che presa aveva una figliuola d'uno de' conti da Panago. . . . Il gentile uomo, fatto secondo che il marchese il pregava, entrato in cammino dopo alquanti dí con la fanciulla e col fratello e con nobile compagnia in su l'ora del desinare giunse a Sanluzzo, dove tutti i paesani e molti altri vicini da torno trovò che attendevan questa novella sposa di Gualtieri.
Now no sooner had Gualtieri dismissed Griselda, than he gave his vassals to understand that he had taken to wife a daughter of one of the Counts of Panago. . . . The gentleman did as the Marquis bade him, and within a few days of his setting forth arrived at Saluzzo about breakfast-time with the girl, and her brother, and a noble company, and found all the folk of those parts, and much people besides, gathered there in expectation of Gualtieri's new bride.
Iam Panici comes propinquabat, et de novis nuptiis fama undique frequens erat; premissoque uno e suis, diem quo Salutias perventurus esset acceperat.
Now the Count of Panago was drawing near; and, on every hand, rumors of the new nuptials were rife. Sending forward one of his train, he announced the day on which he would arrive at Saluzzo.
Fro Boloigne is this Erl of Panyk come,
Of which the fame up sprang to moore and lesse,
And in the peples eres, alle and some,
Was kouth eek that a newe markysesse
He with hym broghte, in swich pompe and richesse,
That nevere was ther seyn with mannes eye
So noble array in al Westlumbardye.
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