E entratasene co' suoi pannicelli romagnuoli e grossi in quella casa della qual poco avanti era uscita in camiscia, cominciò a spazzar le camere e ordinarle e a far porre capoletti e pancali per le sale, a fare apprestar la cucina, e a ogni cosa, come se una piccola fanticella della casa fosse, porre le mani, né mai ristette che ella ebbe tutto acconcio e ordinato quanto si conveniva. E appresso questo, fatto da parte di Gualtieri invitar tutte le donne della contrada, cominciò a attender la festa; e venuto il giorno delle nozze, come che i panni avesse poveri indosso, con animo e costume donnesco tutte le donne che a quelle vennero, e con lieto viso, ricevette.
And so, clad in her sorry garments of coarse romagnole, she entered the house, which, but a little before, she had quitted in her shift, and addressed her to sweep the chambers, and arrange arras and cushions in the halls, and make ready the kitchen, and set her hand to everything, as if she had been a paltry serving-wench: nor did she rest until she had brought all into such meet and seemly trim as the occasion demanded. This done, she invited in Gualtieri's name all the ladies of those parts to be present at his nuptials, and awaited the event. The day being come, still wearing her sorry weeds, but in heart and soul and mien the lady, she received the ladies as they came, and gave each a gladsome greeting.
Et cum dicto, servilia mox instrumenta corripiens, domum verrere, mensas instruere, lectos sternere, ortarique alias ceperat, ancille in morem fidelissime.
And when she had said this, straightway she caught up the implements of servant's toil and set to work, sweeping the house, setting the tables, making the beds, and urging on the others, like the best of handmaids.
And with that word she gan the hous to dighte,
And tables for to sette, and beddes make,
And peyned hir to doon al that she myghte,
Preyynge the chambereres for Goddes sake
To hasten hem, and faste swepe and shake,
And she, the mooste servysable of alle,
Hath every chambre arrayed, and his halle.
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