Stanza 81


ma non bastandogli quello che fatto avea con maggior puntura trafisse la donna, e con sembiante turbato un dí le disse:

But, not content with what he had done, he now even more poignantly afflicted the lady; and one day with a ruffled mien:


quo nutricis ab ubere post biennium subducto, ad curiositatem solitam reversus pater,

But when after two years, this child had been weaned, the father fell back into his former caprice.


Whan it was two yeer old, and fro the brest
Departed of his norice, on a day
This markys caughte yet another lest
To tempte his wyf yet ofter if he may.
O, nedelees was she tempted in assay!
But wedded men ne knowe no mesure,
Whan that they fynde a pacient creature.

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