con questa sua figliuola e col figliuolo venire a Sanluzzo e ordinare di menar bella e onorevole compagnia con seco e di dire a tutti che costei per sua mogliere gli menasse, senza manifestare alcuna cosa a alcuno chi ella si fosse altramenti. Il gentile uomo, fatto secondo che il marchese il pregava,
to come with this girl and boy of his to Saluzzo, and to see that he brought a goodly and honourable company with him, and to give all to understand that he brought the girl to him to wife, and on no wisè to disclose to any, who she really was. The gentleman did as the Marquis bade him
Quod ille fideliter executurus, puellam iam nubilem, excellentem forma preclaroque conspicuam ornatu, germanumque simul suum annum iam septimum agentem ducens, cum eximia nobilium comitiva, statuto die iter arripuit.
His kinsman faithfully performed these orders and set out upon his journey on the appointed day, bringing with him, amid a brilliant throng of noblemen, the young maiden, who was now of marriageable age, of excellent beauty, and adorned with magnificent attire; and with her he brought her brother, who was now in his seventh year.
But seye, the mayden sholde ywedded be
Unto the Markys of Saluce anon.
And as this Erl was preyed, so dide he;
For at day set he on his wey is goon
Toward Saluce, and lordes many oon,
In riche array this mayden for to gyde,
Hir yonge brother ridynge hir bisyde.
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