alla quale venuta disse: "Io meno questa donna la quale io ho nuovamente tolta e intendo in questa sua prima venuta d'onorarla;
To whom, being come, quoth he: "I am bringing hither my new bride, and in this her first home-coming I purpose to shew her honour;
«Cupio» ait «ut puella cras huc ad prandium ventura magnifice excipiatur, virique et matrone qui secum sunt, simulque et nostri qui coniugio intererunt, ita ut locorum verborumque honor integer singulis pro dignitate servetur.
he said to her, "It is my desire that the maiden who is coming on the morrow to dine with us should be received sumptuously, as well as the men and matrons who come with her and such of our own people as are present at the feast, so that honor of place and welcome may be preserved unspotted, according to the dignity of each and all.
"Grisilde," quod he, "my wyl is outrely
This mayden, that shal wedded been to me,
Received be to-morwe as roially
As it possible is in myn hous to be;
And eek that every wight in his degree
Have his estaat in sittyng and servyse
And heigh plesaunce, as I kan best devyse.
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