Stanza 99


e per ciò a suo potere voleva procacciar col Papa che con lui dispensasse che un'altra donna prender potesse e lasciar Griselda; di che egli da assai buoni uomini fu molto ripreso; a che nulla altro rispose se non che conveniva che cosí fosse.

and that he therefore meant to do what he could to procure the Pope's dispensation to put Griselda away, and take another wife: for which cause being much upbraided by many worthy men, he made no other answer but only that needs must it so be.


qui simulatas inde literas apostolicas referrent, quibus in populo vulgaretur datam sibi licentiam a Romano Pontefice, ut pro sua et suarum gentium quiete, primo matrimonio reiecto, aliam ducere posset uxorem;

to bring back thence documents bearing the appearance of a papal bull, which should cause the rumor to circulate among the people that licence had been granted him by the Roman pontiff, with a view to his own peace and that of his people, to annul his first marriage and to take another wife;


I seye, he bad they sholde countrefete
The popes bulles, makynge mencioun
That he hath leve his firste wyf to lete
As by the popes dispensacioun,
To stynte rancour and dissencioun
Bitwixe his peple and hym, thus seyde the bulle,
The which they han publiced atte fulle.

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