Stanza 33


per andar poi con altre femine a veder venire la sposa di Gualtieri;

that she might afterwards go with the other women to see Gualtieri's bride come by.


ut, expedita curis aliis, ad visendam domini sui sponsam cum puellis comitibus properaret.

in order that, free from other duties, she might hasten, with the girls who were her comrades, to see her master's bride.


She thoghte, "I wole with othere maydens stonde,
That been my felawes, in oure dore, and se
The markysesse, and therfore wol I fonde
To doon at hoom as soone as it may be
The labour, which that longeth unto me,
And thanne I may at leyser hir biholde,
If she this wey unto the castel holde."

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