Stanza 6


La qual cosa a' suoi uomini non piaccendo, piú volte il pregaron che moglie prendesse

but his vassals, brooking it ill, did oftentimes entreat him to take a wife


«Tua» inquit «humanitas, optime marchio, hanc nobis prestat audaciam, ut et tecum singuli quotiens res exposcit devota fidutia colloquamur, et nunc omnium tacitas voluntates mea vox tuis auribus invehat,

"Noble Marquis, your kindness gives us such boldness that we come separately to talk with you, with devoted trust, as often as occasion demands, and that now my voice conveys to your ears the silent wishes of us all;


"O noble Markys, youre humanitee
Asseureth us, and yeveth us hardinesse,
As ofte as tyme is of necessitee
That we to yow mowe telle oure hevynesse.
Accepteth, lord, now for youre gentillesse
That we with pitous herte unto yow pleyne,
And lat youre eres nat my voys desdeyne.

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