(no analogue)
Venerat expectatus dies, et cum nullus sponse rumor audiretur, admiratio omnium vehementer excreverat. Hora iam prandii aderat, iamque apparatu ingenti domus tota fervebat.
The longed-for day had come, and since not a word about the bride was to be heard, the universal bewilderment had risen very high. The hour of the feast arrived; and already, the whole house was in a great ferment of preparation.
The time of undren of the same day
Approcheth, that this weddyng sholde be;
And al the paleys put was in array,
Bothe halle and chambres, ech in his degree;
Houses of office stuffed with plentee
Ther maystow seen, of deyntevous vitaille,
That may be founde as fer as last Ytaille.
(close this window to return to the Clerk's Tale.)
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