Stanza 14


e acciò che io non abbia da dolermi d'altrui che di me, se mal venisse fatto, io stesso ne voglio essere il trovatore,

and that I may have no cause to reproach any but myself, should it turn out ill, I am resolved that my wife shall be of my own choosing;


Illam vobis quam offertis querende curam coniugis remitto, eamque humeris meis ipse subeo.

But I release you from the task, which you have offered to assume, of finding me a wife. That task I lay on my own shoulders.


But nathelees I se youre trewe entente,
And truste upon youre wit, and have doon at;
Wherfore of my free wyl I wole assente
To wedde me, as soone as evere I may.
But ther as ye han profred me to-day
To chese me a wyf, I yow relesse
That choys, and prey yow of that profre cesse.

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