affermandovi che, cui che io mi tolga, se da voi non fia come donna onorata, voi proverete con gran vostro danno quanto grave mi sia l'aver contra mia voglia presa mogliere a' vostri prieghi".
but of this rest assured, that, no matter whom I choose, if she receive not from you the honour due to a lady, you shall prove to your great cost, how sorely I resent being thus constrained by your importunity to take a wife against my will."
nec sit ullus inter vos qui de meo unquam iudicio aut litiget aut queratur. Vestrum fuerit me omnium quos novissem liberrimum iugo subiecisse coniugii; mea sit iugi ipsius electio;
and let there be none among you who ever shall dispute or complain of my decision. Yours it was that I, the freest of all men that you have known, have submitted to the yoke of marriage; let it be mine to choose that yoke;
And forthermoore, this shal ye swere, that ye
Agayn my choys shul neither grucche ne stryve,
For sith I shal forgoon my libertee
At youre requeste, as evere moot I thryve,
Ther as myn herte is set, ther wol I wyve!
And but ye wole assente in this manere,
I prey yow, speketh namoore of this matere."
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