Stanza 25


(no analogue)


vicissimque domum rediens, oluscula et dapes fortune congruas preparabat, durumque cubiculum sternebat, et ad summam angusto in spatio totum filialis obedientie ac pietatis officium explicabat.

Then, returning home, she would prepare the little herbs and victuals suited to their fortune and make ready the rude bedchamber. In her narrow station, in fine, she discharged all the offices of filial obedience and affection.


And whan she homward cam, she wolde brynge
Wortes, or othere herbes tymes ofte,
The whiche she shredde and seeth for hir lyvynge,
And made hir bed ful harde and no thyng softe;
And ay she kepte hir fadres lyf on lofte
With everich obeisaunce and diligence
That child may doon to fadres reverence.

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