Stanza 24


(no analogue)


nil molle nil tenerum cogitare didicerat, sed virilis senilisque animus virgineo latebat in pectore. Patris senium inextimabili refovens caritate, et pauculas eius oves pascebat, et colo interim digitos atterebat;

but the vigor of manhood and the wisdom of age lay hidden in her maiden bosom. Cherishing her father's age with ineffable love, she tended his few sheep, and as she did it, wore her fingers away on the distaff.


But thogh this mayde tendre were of age,
Yet in the brest of hire virginitee
Ther was enclosed rype and sad corage;
And in greet reverence and charitee
Hir olde povre fader fostred shee.
A fewe sheepe, spynnynge on feeld she kepte,
She wolde noght been ydel, til she slepte.

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