acciò che egli senza erede né essi senza signor rimanessero,
that he might not die without an heir, and they be left without a lord;
Libera tuos omnes molesta solicitudine, quesumus, ne siquid humanitus tibi forsan accideret, tu sine tuo successore abeas, ipsi sine votivo rectore remaneant».
Free all your subjects, we beseech you, of the grievous apprehension that if anything incident to our mortal lot should happen to you, you would go leaving no successor to yourself, and they would remain deprived of a leader such as their hearts crave."
Delivere us out of al this bisy drede,
And taak a wyf for hye Goddes sake,
For if it so bifelle, as God forbede,
That thurgh your deeth your lyne sholde slake,
And that a straunge successour sholde take
Youre heritage, o wo were us alyve!
Wherfore we pray you hastily to wyve."
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