dicendo, dove dir soleano Gualtieri aver fatto come poco savio d'averla per moglie presa, che egli era il piú savio e il piú avveduto uomo che al mondo fosse, per ciò che niun altro che egli avrebbe mai potuta conoscere l'alta vertú di costei nascosa sotto i poveri panni e sotto l'abito villesco.
and instead of, as erstwhile, saying that Gualtieri had done foolishly to take her to wife, now averred that he had not his like in the world for wisdom and discernment, for that, save to him, her noble qualities would ever have remained hidden under her sorry apparel and the garb of the peasant girl.
Sic Valterius, humili quidem sed insigni ac prospero matrimonio honestatus, summa domi in pace, extra vero summa cum gratia hominum, vivebat; quodque eximiam virtutem tanta sub inopia latitantem tam perspicaciter deprehendisset, vulgo prudentissimus habebatur.
So, graced by a marriage which, however humble, was distinguished and prosperous, Walter lived in the highest peace and honor at home; and abroad he was held in the highest esteem; and because he had so shrewdly discovered the remarkable virtue hidden under so much poverty, he was commonly held to be a very prudent man.
Thus Walter lowely, nay! but roially
Wedded with fortunat honestetee,
In Goddes pees lyveth ful esily
At hoom, and outward grace ynogh had he,
And for he saugh that under low degree
Was ofte vertu hid, the peple hym heelde
A prudent man, and that is seyn ful seelde.
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